When your buyer receives a home inspection report that recommends further review by a structural engineer, we can help them by quickly identifying whether the found issue is serious or not. We’ll review the buyer’s home inspection report, perform a site visit and visual inspection, and advise the buyer about whether the issue is serious, or not. It’s one less thing for your home buying client to worry about in the home buying process.
Home owners can face similar issues with their homes when they are selling. Not knowing where to turn, they can leave the issue unaddressed, creating urgency when a home inspection is performed, and possibly causing the deal to fall through. Don’t let that happen. Call us today for an evaluation and solution to the issue.
If your buyer needs support to modify their bid or back out of the deal completely we can help with that, too. We’ll document the observed structural concerns and recommended repairs with estimated, anticipated costs. Although it may not help with your sale, you’ll increase the trust of your clients, and they’ll be more likely to retain you in the future and recommend you to their friends and colleagues.